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Miss Lulu Suka Pink
I am happy with my life right now. The good outweighs the bad, and I realise how blessed I am❤️ Alhamdulillah��
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Thursday 11 February 2016

My Dream Home...

Hola! I just wanna share pics of my dream home decoration...The basic colours are white and light grey. Other small deco and accessories will be blossom pink, green and black. All pics are not mine. I got them from IG. Credits to the owners of the IG. You have awesome home deco. One day mine will be like yours hehe Insya-Allah.

University Utama Condominium. My Weekend Getaway^^

Hola! It's been so long eh^^ I've been busy managing my life these past few years hoho...

So, what's so new about my life? I've bought a condo for myself! Yeay! Life is great for me. Alhamdulillah. What more could I ask for eh^^

So here are the pics of my new condo. Just a small one really but good enough as a weekend getaway ๐Ÿ˜Š It's not complete yet but still ok for me. I love love love it sooooo much hehehe

This is a one bedroom condo. I'm in the middle of building my home at my hometown so this one is only for my weekend getaway. It's called University Utama Condominium. Mine is Phase 2. Fully furnished and modern. Located at Tuaran, Sabah. Very near to the city. I don't intend to make it look like a 'home' because I want to feel the vacation mood when I come here hehe. 

I bought most of my home deco at Kaison. Too bad we don't have Ikea here. Ikea please come to Sabah. Pleaseee I beg you huhuu. My condo looks fresh and cute right? Perasan hahaaa. I don't want it to be crowded and messy. Not even a wallpaper. I prefer Scandinavian home deco. Can't wait for my home in Lakut to be completed. I love decorating. My taste, my personality^^ I'm gonna make it Scandinavian with a little bit of my favourite colours ๐Ÿ˜™

In decorating a home, you don't really need a big and beautiful house. All you need is a lil' bit of creativity and warmth to make it a wonderful home ๐Ÿ˜Š Okie, that's all for now then. I wanna have my lunch first. See ya later alligator!๐Ÿ˜™